The 2004 AOSD conference which was scheduled from March 22 to March 26 had sessions running from as early as 8: 45 to 18:30 on the scheduled days.

The break periods were scheduled as follows:
Morning Break – 10:30 – 11:00
Lunch – 12:30 – 14:00
Afternoon Break – 15:30 – 16:00
The program was divided into various sessions that included Keynotes, Technical programs, Workshop, Tutorials, and Demonstrations with different speakers and researchers presenting papers and speeches.
Here is the rundown of how things went.
Monday, March 22

The first and second days of the event were devoted to series of presentations delivered by researchers and experts on the field. The technical programs were as follows:
* T1: AOP with AspectJ
* T2: AspectWerkz for Dynamic AOP
* T3: Support for crosscutting concerns – Is there Life outside AOP?
* ACP4IS: Aspects, Components, and patterns of infrastructure software
* Early Aspect: Aspect-Oriented Requirements engineering and Architecture design
* SPLAT: Software Engineering Properties of Languages for Aspect Technologies
Tuesday, March 23
* T4; Aspect-Oriented middleware
* T5: Good AOP – Idioms, Patterns, and rules of aspect
* T6: AOP with C++ and AspectC++
Other deliveries include:
* AOSPEC: AOSD Technology for Application-Level Security
* DAW – Dynamic Aspects Workshop
* FOAL – Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages
Wednesday, March 24

Saw the beginning of new sessions all through to Friday with a keynote, demonstrations, and papers being delivered.
The keynote address was given by Dr. Daniel Sabbah after which some papers followed. These include:
* Demo madness
* Papers 1 – Languages I
* Demos 1: AspectJ tools
* Papers2: Weaving
* Demos 2: JasCo&WSML, and aTrack
* Industry Panel: AOP for enterprise
* Demos 3: Compose*, JQuery
* Mayoral Reception
Thursday, March 25

Keynote was delivered by Prof. Bashar Nuseibeh. This was followed by series of papers and Demonstrations.
* Paper 3: Applications I
* Demos 4: Aspect-enabled Eclipse, CME, Re
* T7: Enterprise AOP with AspectJ
* Papers 4: Tools and implementation
* Demos 5: AspectJ tools, JQuery
* Demos 6: aTrack
* Industry paper
* Banquet
Friday, March 26
This day saw a preview of AOSD 2005 before other papers and presentations followed. The papers include:
* Papers 6: Application II
* Demos 7: JAsCo&WSML
Invited Industry paper
Demos 8: Compose* and Aspect-enabled Eclipse RE
* Papers 7:
* Languages II
* Demos 9: CME