Aspect-Oriented Software Development, AOSD, is the pioneer forum for discussions and presentation of papers, research, and reports on modularity and focus on modular structures that span conventional abstraction limitations. The first of the conferences was in 2002.

Presentation of annual awards on the Most Influential Paper and the Best Paper are awarded yearly to papers presented 10 years ago in the previous AOSD conferences. The influence such papers had over the ten year period is used as the yardstick to pick who wins the award. It has prize money of $1000 to be shared among authors.
The AOSD 2008 best paper award, just like the 2009 edition is marked TBD. That is, it is yet to be decided. Who wins this award? Will this be decided in AOSD 2017? Looking at 2008 and adding 10 years, we should probably be looking at 2018 or should it be expected in 2017?
AOSD 2008 Papers
Here are the papers of which one is a likely winner.
Session: Aspects And Generative Programming
* Aspect: Aspect-oriented test case instantiation – Sebastian Benz
* The program, enhance thyself! : Demand-driven pattern-oriented program enhancement – Eli Tilevich and Godmar Back
* Modularity first: A case for mixing AOP and attribute grammars – Pavel Avgustinov, Julian Tibble, Torbjorn Ekman

Session: Reasoning About Aspects
* AJANA: a general framework for source-code-level interprocedural data flow analysis of AspectJ software – Guoging Xu and Atanas Rountev
* Reasoning about aspects of common sense – Klaus Ostermann
* Session: Programming language design and implementation I
* StrongAspectJ: Flexible and safe pointcut/advice bindings Bruno De Fraine, Viviane Jonckers, Mario Sudholt
* EJFlow: Taming exceptional control flows in aspect-oriented programming – Nelio Cacho, Alessandro Garcia, Fernando Castro Filho, Eduardo Figueiredo
* Relational aspects as trace matches – Eric Bodden, Laurie Hendren, Reehan Shaikh

* Test-based pointcuts for robust and fine-grained join point specification – Kouhei Sakurai and Hidehiko Masuhara.
Other sessions are:
Aspects of Adaptive and Variability Support
Tool Support
Programming Language Design and Implementation II